It enables new social interactions and buffs related to romance.
If your Sims tend to romanticise everything they encounter, this trait could be perfect. It allows up to five extra traits which will directly influence emotional and social needs, as well as being compatible with More Traits Slots by Thepancake1 and MizoreYukii to give your sims six slots for additional traits. This mod is ideal for players looking to add more dimension to their sims’ personalities. There are social traits like sexist, generous, shy etc as well as several dozen relationships, careers and personality traits included.
One of the most sought-after mods for Sims, this package contains over 100 individual traits with buffs and interactions to make them feel more human. This trait allows your sims to inquire about each other’s favorite cake! Additionally, they gain an increase in baking skill development as well as new cooking-related impulses. Vicky Sims’ mod packs add new traits to your sims that are base game compatible, each featuring their own special set of benefits, quirks and effects on relationships.